Rubrics: LABOR LAW
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper is devoted to conducting a comprehensive study of the institute of employer’s liability for harm caused by its employee. The author consistently solves the following research tasks: consider the general provisions of the tort liability category, since the norms of Russian Civil Code’s Article 1068 are applicable only in connection with the norms of its Article 1064; determine the features of the legal status of the employer and employee in relation to tort obligations; identify the grounds and conditions (general and special) for the employer's liability for harm caused by his employee to third parties. The research is based on results of scientific works of Russian scholars on this issue, applicable norms of the Civil and Labor Codes of the Russian Federation, as well as relevant materials of law enforcement practice.

tort liability, employer, employee, civil law, material and non-material harm, damage, grounds and conditions for liability
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