from 01.01.2006 until now
Yakutsk, Yakutsk, Russian Federation
UDK 811.512.157 Якутский (саха)
UDK 80 Общие вопросы филологии, лингвистики и литературы. Риторика
The article is devoted to the thematic classification of terms denoting Yakut jewelry. The author focuses on the need to compile the Yakut-Russian, Russian-Yakut terminological dictionary for jewelry. The article reveals the semantic content of some of the forgotten terms of the traditional Yakut jewelry art. Most works on jewelry art are devoted to ethnography, national culture, the functioning of the jewelry itself, as well as manufacturing technology. The terms of this area are not previously affected by the terminological work. In this regard, the issue of compiling a Yakut-Russian, Russian-Yakut terminological dictionary for jewelry has come to a head. From the collected material it can be seen that the Yakut jewelry art showed itself to the greatest extent in the manufacture of women's earrings. The wearing of jewelry was obligatory for the ancestors of the Yakut people, since, in addition to direct aesthetic functions, they performed a sacred function to an even greater extent and were an indispensable attribute of clothing.
Yakut language, term, jewelry art, Jewelry, metaphorical transfer, proterms
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6. Pekarsky E.K. Dictionary of the Yakut language. 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 2008. - Vol. I. - 1280 p.; - Vol. II. - 2507 p.
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8. Savvinov A.I. Traditional metal ornaments of the Yakuts: XIX - early XX century: (Historical and ethnographic research). - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 2001. - 171 p.
9. Seroshevsky V.L. Yakuts: Experience of ethnographic research. 2nd ed. - M., Moscow printing house No. 2 of the Ministry of Information and Press of the Russian Federation, 1993. - 736 p.
10. Yakut-Russian dictionary. Ed. P.A. Sleptsova. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1972. - 608 p.