Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The purpose of this article is to reveal the content of the contractual theory of the origin of the state and the law of Thomas Hobbes, to highlight the features of the legal relations that arise. The study was carried out from the point of view of the scientifically substantiated concept of integrative legal understanding, according to which the regulation of legal relations includes two types: legal and individual. Dialectical-materialistic, historical-legal, as well as other general scientific and private-scientific methods of knowledge were used. According to Thomas Hobbes, the pre-state period of society was a «war of all against all», the creation of a state was the only way out of the state of fear. The actual legal relations that arise at the same time were ordered through individual contractual regulators, which later, thanks to the legal activities of the state, were replaced by legal ones.
contractual theory of the origin of the state and law, Thomas Hobbes, actual legal relations, individual contractual regulators, legal regulators
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