Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the concepts of «ecosystem» and «ecosystem approach», their evolution in the field of business, economics, education, the possibility of using the potential of the ecosystem approach in relation to the design and organization of the educational process at school as a cross-multidimensional phenomenon. A  detailed interpretation of  the methodology of  the cross-multidimensional educational process in  a secondary school as  a result of interaction and intersection of various spaces and environments is given. The article also presents and discusses the results of a survey of teaching staff of secondary schools in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region on the formation and development of the ecosystem of a cross-multidimensional educational process at school. On the basis of theoretical and experimental studies, generalizing conclusions are formulated, prospects for further study of the phenomenon of «ecosystem of the cross-multidimensional educational process in school» are determined.

educational process, cross-dimensionality, cross-multidimensional educational process, ecosystem, ecosystem of  the cross-multidimensional educational process at school

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