The purpose of the study is to analyze the change in the volume of livestock production for all categories of agricultural producers. The first category is represented by agricultural organizations, including business partnerships and companies, production cooperatives, unitary enterprises, subsidiary farms of non-agricultural organizations and institutions. The second category is household households, which include personal subsidiary farms and other individual farms of citizens who have plots in horticultural or horticultural non-profit associations. The third category is personal subsidiary plots for the production and processing of agricultural products in household and field plots. Along with production, the presented article discusses the directions for using the produced meat and dairy products, the structure of production, product losses. In addition, the dynamics of changes in the fleet of agricultural machinery is presented, as well as an analysis of the impact of the number and labor productivity of workers engaged in agricultural production for 2010–2020. to the level of agricultural production. The main objective of the study is to identify opportunities to improve the efficiency of the livestock sector of the agro-industrial complex. The paper identifies the main directions of the development potential of the livestock sector of the agro-industrial complex.
meat and dairy products, livestock products, import substitution, slaughter weight of livestock, production consumption, agricultural machinery fleet, food policy
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