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Abstract (English):
Density-temperature scales in the hot universe theory (HUT) and the standard cosmological model (SCM) are compared. During the adiabatic expansion of the Universe in the era of radiation domi-nance in the HUT the dependence on temperature of the density of substance ρ ~ T3, density radia-tion energy εν ~ T4. The SCM takes into account the epoch of separation of radiation from sub-stance in the dependences: ρ' ~ T2, εν' ~ T3. In the temperature range 1 eV – 1 GeV within the SCM, the density of the Universe is ρ/ρ' ~ 103 times lower than in the HUT, and its expansion time is t'/t = (ρ/ρ')1/2 ≈ 30 times longer. According to the HUT, deuterium was formed during the epoch of nucleosynthesis at T ~ 0.1 MeV and then gradually burned out at a fraction of baryons Ωb ~ 0.03. The degree of deuterium burnout in the framework of the SCM relative to the HUT was esti-mated taking into account the Lawson criterion δD = ρ't'/ρt ≈ 0.03, i.e. deuterium abundance within the SCM corresponds to the cosmological fraction of baryons Ωb' = Ωb/δD ≈ 1.

hot universe theory, standard cosmological model, nucleosynthesis, deuterium
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