The article examines the problems of analyzing the return on equity and invested capital based on modifications of the Dupont’s model. The following issues are reviewed as reflection of receivables and payables, financial investments and short-term loans and borrowings, assessment of financial and operational leverage, as well as asset turn-over in the analysis of profitability. The requirements for systems of indicators of profitability in the management analysis are formulated. The structural model of the return on equity, which can be used in management analysis, is built. A particular attention is paid to the constraints of the management profitability analysis based on financial statements prepared on the basis of IFRS. The most serious constraints is the poor compatibility of IFRS with direct costing and its later modifications, in particular, with throughput accounting. The constraints related to the problems of capitalization of interest on loans and borrowings, accrual of interest on trade credit and interest on prepayments, as well as interest on assets under the contract, when rev-enue is recognized during the period, are examined in the article.
management analysis; factor analysis; the Dupont's model; return on equity; return on assets; return on invested capital; international financial reporting standards
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