Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
UDK 621.8 Детали машин. Механизмы. Передачи (механические). Подъемнотранспортное оборудование. Крепежные средства. Смазка
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
The study objective is to analyze possible ways to increase the load capacity and develop a worm gear that meets the following requirements and working conditions: minimum weight, high reliability, maintenance-free, short-term operation mode, limited lubrication conditions, the ability to work at low temperatures. The task to which the paper is devoted is to increase the load capacity and the wear resistance of worm gears. The load capacity is defined as the possibility of transmitting the greatest torques with the smallest overall dimensions. The research methods are based on the theory of strength, theory of elasticity, mechanics of contact interaction. The novelty of the work is in finding effective design and technological ways to increase the load capacity, developing a modification of the worm gear and testing the method for calculating the strength of the transmission with a globoidal worm. Research results: a review and analysis of the results of studies concerning the modification of gear, working conditions, lubrication, manufacturing technology, wear; possible methods of increasing the bearing capacity of a small-module worm gear are considered; a modification of the gear with a globoidal worm is developed; a method of strength calculation is tested. Conclusions: the method of strength calculation and the method of modification of the globoidal gear allow improving the quality characteristics of worm gears – weight and size characteristics, reliability, resource, ease of operation.
worm gear, strength, geometry, technology, manufacture, modification
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