Omsk, Omsk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
From the perspective of preserving traditional forms of teaching and using innovations in the educational process, the educational tracks of students of the digital generation should be determined taking into account their cognitive, communicative and personal characteristics. The use of an interactive approach meets the above requirements. It is one of the innovative approaches to learning and is considered the best educational practice. The article examines the role of an interactive approach to teaching students of the digital generation, highlights their key features that teachers should take into account in the educational process, identifies the priorities in teaching students of the digital generation, taking into account their characteristics. It was concluded that the use of an interactive approach to teaching students of the digital generation enables to maximize the positive effects of their features, increases the effectiveness of training due to the opportunities provided to students in their interaction with each other and with the teacher in the learning environment.
digital generation, higher education, teachers, students, interactive approach, interactive methods
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