Russian Federation
UDK 37.013.21 Принципы позитивного и негативного воспитания, например, лидерство, авторитет, свобода, сила, любовь, предвидение,страх
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
Implementation of a set of conditions for pedagogical support of the existential choice of a member of a group of different ages at the place of residence (based on the materials of a pilot study) Annotation: In the article, the author considers such concepts as existential choice, pedagogical support, reveals the components of the model of pedagogical support for the existential choice of a participant in the RVO and the conditions for the success of its implementation, developed taking into account the specifics of the interaction of different ages, among which are the following: - realization of the subjective position of the participants of the group of different ages; - the eventfulness of the activities of a detachment of different ages; - creation of situations of overcoming. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of forms and methods that ensure the implementation of the conditions for pedagogical support of the existential choice of a member of a group of different ages and contribute to the formation of a subject position in children, the ability to overcome difficult life situations, motivation for self-development in the course of reflection of events. The article is intended for leaders of temporary groups of different ages at the place of residence, as well as teachers working with children's associations of different ages in the system of additional and general education.
pedagogical support, existential choice, a group of different ages, eventfulness, overcoming situation, subject position
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