Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The climate trend has increasingly begun to appear in various aspects of life. Agricultural and food systems are the most affected by climate change. The socio-economic significance of the influence of the climatic factor is determined by the imbalance in agricultural production, a sharp reduction in its carry-over stocks, which poses a threat to Russia's food security. The article discusses the current practice of legal, organizational and managerial regulation of the issues of adaptation of the Russian agri-food complex to the consequences of climate change. A meaningful analysis of the documents laying the contours of the state policy in the field of climate, as well as regulating the sustainable development of the Russian agro-industrial complex, was carried out. Particular attention is paid to the succession of targets, the internal contingency of the documents being developed at various levels of management and planning stages. It has been established that in the current adaptive branch system, such features as inconsistency and episodic nature are preserved. The objective necessity of working out the methodological issues of forming an indicative system for evaluative and predictive support of management decisions in the field of adaptation is shown; statistical provision using alternative data sources, digital tools and innovative methods for processing unstructured data. The conclusions drawn in the article will serve as the basis for developing practical recommendations for building a systematic work of state authorities at various levels in the agro-industrial complex in order to create conditions for its sustainable development in the context of long-term climate change.

agro-food complex, climate changes, adaptation, strategic planning, regulatory framework
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