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Abstract (English):
The article notes the importance of fine motor skills in the practical life of a person. Fine motor skills of the hands are associated with the historical traditions of food items. In the process of studying the profile subject "Biomechanics of motor activity, a scientific and applied study of the study of finger movement using Chinese chopsticks was conducted in accordance with the laws of etiquette of peoples and the principles of biomechanics of movements. A photo and video series of biomechanics of movements using Chinese chopsticks is presented in accordance with the historical and aesthetic principles of food consumption. The technique has a practice-oriented, social nature, is aimed at developing practical skills not only to eat food aesthetically, but also to develop fingers and brush in purposeful motor activity important for human health. This technique can be used in general education schools, centers of additional education, universities in the format of health culture, health-saving education. In sanatoriums, on the basis of the methodology presented in the study, various projects can be implemented showing the relationship of healthy nutrition with fine motor skills of the hands, as well as projects of physical rehabilitation of patients associated with finger movement and rotation of the hand, taking into account individual characteristics.

fine motor skills, biomechanics of movements, precision of movements, dexterity, Chinese chopsticks, international etiquette
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