Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Career guidance work at school, namely the pedagogical support of professional self-determination of schoolchildren, has always been the main mission of a general educational organization. From September 01, 2023, a career guidance minimum is being introduced at various levels in all educational organizations. The article presents the experience of one of the schools of the Moscow region in the implementation of the advanced level, since it describes the interaction with social partners, work with the provided Internet resources, in particular "Ticket to the Future", "Abilimpics". The article focuses on one of the most important components of the system of career guidance work at school - a developing career guidance environment, the technology for creating which is described in stages. The material will be useful to pedagogical and executive workers who organize career guidance work.

vocational guidance, system of vocational guidance work at school, professional self-determination, developing vocational guidance environment, methods and technologies of vocational guidance work with students

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