Russian Federation
from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2021
Russian Federation
The article outlines a new integrated approach to the study of political media communications, represented as a separate discipline — political media rhetoric. The academic demand for media rhetoric as a new branch of media linguistic and rhetoric studies is determined by the growing interest to the rhetoric aspect of political media discourse and hence the necessity of introducing a complex systemic approach to its analysis. The theory of political media rhetoric is constructed on the basis of key assumptions of classical rhetoric, media linguistics, media stylistics and other disciplines related to the study of media discourse in the aspect of political communications. The article defines historical roots of the formation of media rhetoric, its academic goals, methodology, and its place within general structure of humanities. The subject of political media rhetoric is the actualization of different speech rhetorical practices in the sphere of political media discourse. The basic category of political media rhetoric is represented by a polycode multimodal rhetoric mediatext, functioning within the system of political media communications. The research potential of political media rhetoric has been analyzed on the material of public speeches of the French modern politicians. The conducted research shows that the terminology and methodology of political media rhetoric can be effectively applied as a complex systemic approach to the study of rhetoric media practices in the sphere of political media communications.
political communications, political media rhetoric, media rhetoric, media linguistics, media stylistics, media space, media text
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