from 01.01.2014 until now
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Russian Federation
VAC 5.2.3 Региональная и отраслевая экономика
VAC 5.2.4 Финансы
VAC 5.2.5 Мировая экономика
VAC 5.2.6 Менеджмент
VAC 5.2.7 Государственное и муниципальное управление
UDK 339.187.62 Сдача внаем. Сдача в аренду. Сдача в субаренду. Лизинг. Прокат.
UDK 338 Экономическое положение. Экономическая политика. Управление и планирование в экономике. Производство. Услуги. Цены
Importance Issues of leasing business development, in a difficult economic and political situation caused by the imposed economic sanctions against the Russian Federation. Objectives To monitor and assess the current state of the leasing market in Russia in connection with new economic challenges and political events. Analyze the volume of leasing transactions in the context of various business segments, reflect possible measures of state support and promising areas of development of the leasing market. Methodology Within the framework of this work, statistical and empirical data published by expert and rating agencies and individual leasing companies were summarized and analyzed. A critical analysis of their own scientific research, as well as authors dealing with this topic, has been carried out. Thus, the theoretical foundations of leasing were considered in their scientific works by domestic scientists Arustamov E.A. [2], Gazman V.D. [4]. Modern problems of leasing are reflected in the works of Nurtdinov I.I. [5], Baranov N.S.[6], Mochalov A.A. [7], Samvelyan, R.V. [8] and other economists. Results The results of the study are to determine the current state of the leasing business and identify prospects for its further development based on monitoring the economic situation in Russia. As well as the development of proposals and recommendations to stabilize the situation and further improve the efficiency of the leasing market. Scope of application The results of the study can be used by participants of the leasing market, as well as financial entities, state and municipal authorities, in order to identify and solve problems in the field of leasing activities. Conclusions In the proposed article, the issues of the state of the Results The results of the study are to determine the current state of the leasing business and identify prospects for its further development based on monitoring the economic situation in Russia. As well as the development of proposals and recommendations to stabilize the situation and further improve the efficiency of the leasing market. Scope of application The results of the study can be used by participants of the leasing market, as well as financial entities, state and municipal authorities, in order to identify and solve problems in the field of leasing activities. Conclusions In the proposed article, the issues of the state of the leasing market were investigated through the prism of the imposed economic sanctions. The conclusion is made about the existing downward trend in the leasing market due to economic and foreign policy factors. The authors considered separate leasing segments that can be used as future drivers for the growth of this field of activity, proposed to use a system of state orders and national structural projects in order to increase demand for leasing services.
leasing, economic sanctions, import substitution, state regulation
1. Orlov A. V., Loshakov A. S. Ocenka sostoyaniya i perspektiv rossiyskogo rynka lizingovyh uslug v usloviyah ekonomicheskih sankciy / A.V. Orlov A.S. Loshakov // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. - 2022. - № 5. - S. 334-338.
2. Edward A. Arustamov, Leonid P. Dashkov, Dmitry I. Valigursky, Ilgiz I. Nurtdinov, and Diliara R. Abdrakhmanova Leasing as an Effective Tool for the Implementation of Investment Projects in Different Countries» // Challenges of the Modern Economy. Digital Technologies, Problems, and Focus Areas of the Sustainable Development of Country and Regions / Springer. 2023. pp. 435 - 438
3. Shipshova O. A. Povyshenie konkurentosposobnosti sistemy sel'skohozyaystvennoy kooperacii na osnove ispol'zovaniya lizinga / I. I. Nurtdinov, O. A. Shipshova // Finansy i kredit. - 2022. - T. 28, № 11(827). - S. 2577-2592. - DOI - EDN TQZFGA.
4. Gazman V.D. Lizing: Teoriya, praktika, kommentarii. Monografiya /- V.D, Gazman - M., 2016. - 356s.
5. Nurtdinov I.I. Modernizaciya agrarnogo sektora s primeneniem finansovogo lizinga /I.I. Nurtdinov// Lizing. - 2013. № 4. - S. 24-29.
6. Baranov, N. S. Optimization of business processes (on the example of leasing cars) / N. S. Baranov // . - 2022. - Vol. 1, No. 5(125). - P. 22-26. - DOI - EDN SFECIJ.
7. Mochalov, A. A. Analysis of the Russian leasing market and its significance for small businesses small and medium-sized businesses / A. A. Mochalov // . - 2021. - Vol. 11, No. 2(34). - P. 68-75. - EDN XJZCXM.
8. Shipshova, O. A. Modernizaciya sistemy sel'skohozyaystvennoy kooperacii na osnove primeneniya lizinga / O. A. Shipshova, I. I. Nurtdinov // Russian Journal of Management. - 2022. - T. 10, № 1. - S. 101-105. - DOI - EDN TZDGSE.
9. Samvelyan, R.V. Perspektivy razvitiya rynka lizinga. Puti povysheniya effektivnosti lizingovoy deyatel'nosti v Rossii//Finansy i kredit. -2018. - № 3. -S. 72-77.