Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern conditions of the development of professional competences of pupils in the field of sports are characterized by the presence of stressful situations arising both in the training and competition process. The urgent issues related to children's sports are to minimize emotional experiences and to develop stress tolerance of school sportsmen, because the state of stress deprives the young athlete of the ability to think, act and react instantly, which is very important in sports. Experiencing stress can lead not only to the qualities of a weak sportsmen, but also to various psychosomatic conditions. The proposed article deals with the issues of stress tolerance of school sportsmen in the framework of additional education for children, in order to identify and reduce the factors of extreme emotional stress, constantly present in the sphere of sports. Various works of famous psychologists and educators in the key of psychological and pedagogical support of the child's activity in sports are highlighted. An experiment on revealing the level of emotional tension of school sportsmen according to the method of Yu.Ya. Kiselev was carried out and statistical data of the research result are presented. The aim of the pedagogical experiment was to develop a method of adaptation to stressful situations and its application in practice for the formation of stress resistance of young sportsmen. The results of the experiment showed a high level of stress resistance among pupils-sportsmen studying in institutions of additional education for children- sportsmen in the city of Moscow, which indicates the purposeful work of the discussed organizations aimed at improving the professional psychological and pedagogical competence of coaches; to ensure a differentiated approach to the formation of sports skills of schoolchildren; on the development of appropriate pedagogical and psychological methods for the formation of pupils-sportsmen' stress resistance. The conducted research emphasizes the importance of creating and developing conditions in additional educational institutions for revealing the potential of the personality of pupils-sportsmen, for the formation of a healthy lifestyle among the growing generation, value orientations, sustainable emotional stability and, finally, increasing the stress resistance of pupils-sportsmen.

stress-resistance of student-athletes, additional education institutions for children, professional competence of a coach
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