graduate student
Adolescent mental health problems are one of the most serious diseases of the modern generation. In addition to the extremely high rates of youth suicide, numerous depressive and anxiety disorders, this is indirectly indicated by the fact that young people are included in the global health agenda as a target group for targeted intervention. Through many years of observation by psychologists, it was revealed that one of the factors that can stabilize the psychological state of a person and prevent the development of a serious mental crisis is an indicator of viability, or intrapersonal stability. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the results of an empirical study that was aimed at identifying the role of vitality in ensuring the psychological health of modern adolescents from the PRC. The results obtained led to the conclusion that individual (personal skills, peer support, social skills), family (physical care and psychological care) and typological features (spirituality, education, culture) of vitality have a direct impact on the psychological health indicators of modern adolescents (attention, impulsivity/activity; oppositional/cooperative behavior; separation anxiety; anxiety management; ability to manage mood).
resilience, vitality, psychological health, mental health, Chinese adolescents, empirical research.
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