The study examines the impact of the green economy on the development of corporate finance in the US and the EU. The importance of the green economy is emphasized in the context of changing the paradigm of business practices and business models in the analyzed countries, where a significant emphasis is placed on digital technologies and ESG factors. The authors note that the transition to sustainable development and infrastructural development of environmentally friendly industries is impossible without the active intervention of the state. The mechanisms of the influence of the green economy on corporate finance are discussed, including regulation, fiscal policy, increasing operational efficiency, developing the product line, strengthening the brand and goodwill of the company, as well as the formation of green ecosystems. In addition, the phenomenon of greenwashing is revealed, as well as the process of developing international reporting standards in the field of sustainable development. The main channels of influence on strengthening the trend of sustainable development are listed and characterized. Emphasizes the importance of a green economy to increase the resilience of companies and create strategic advantages.
green economy, ESG factors, digitalization, sustainable development, corporate finance, environmental sustainability, regulation and taxation
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