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Abstract (English):
One of the ways to solve the problem of low storability of raw milk is the use of frozen milk concentrates. A comprehensive understanding of the impact of negative temperatures on the stability and properties of dairy systems during long-term storage and further processing is necessary to assess the potential of their use. The effect of long-term low-temperature storage on the organoleptic, physico-chemical and technological properties of concentrated model milk systems has been studied. Stability of milk systems samples was kept for 3 months, further significant stratification of consistence and formation of protein flakes were registered. Mass fractions of protein, fat, lactose, as well as titratable and active acidity did not change significantly. On the alcohol and heat samples significant changes were noted only after 6 months of storage. Based on the data obtained, the duration of storage after freezing milk systems should not exceed 3 months.

concentrated milk, freezing, low temperature storage
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