Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
VAC 2.5.7 Технологии и машины обработки давлением
UDK 621.9 Обработка резанием (снятием стружки).Резка (разделительные операции без образования стружки).Дробление и измельчение.Обработка листового материала.Изготовление резьбы и т.д. Способы (технология), инструменты, машины и приспособления
BBK 345 Общая технология машиностроения. Обработка металлов
The issues are considered in order to ensure the die tooling quality to manufacture small-sized parts made of sheet material for radio equipment and microelectronics. Typical damage to the main parts of dies, as well as their causes are analyzed. The development of machine-tool construction determines the trends of changes in the technology of manufacturing die parts. At the same time, the role of electro-physical and electrochemical machining methods increases. They are used, often replacing traditional methods of machining with blade and diamond-abrasive tools. At the same time, individual components of the macro- and micro-geometry of parts and the quality of the surface layer are not always taken into account. The paper discusses some errors that are not always considered during the technological preparation of production, the manufacture of parts and their control.
tooling, technology, manufacturing, micro-geometry, surface, quality, layer, parts
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2. Ablyaz TR. Analysis of structural changes in the surface layer of parts after electroerosion treatment. Bulletin SUSU. Engineering. 2015;15(4):62-69.
3. Korolev AP, Verchenov VS, Nikitin AV, Mordasov MD. Surface Corrosion in Chromium Steels 14X17N2 and 03X15N4AM3-SH after Electrical Discharge Machining. Transactions of the TSTU. 2019;25(3):507-511.