Russian Federation
The article is based on the main key ideas of the formation of the planned subject and meta-subject results. The article discusses the methodology for implementing the requirements of the updated standard, taking into account the goals of teaching mathematics, under which conditions are created that ensure the possibility of forming students planned results in accordance with the requirements of the standard. An approach is proposed to the formation of individual skills of cognitive universal educational actions of students when teaching the topics of the polyhedra section, using educational tasks and training tasks that develop the ability to solve a wide range of problems.
educational standard, subject and meta-subject results, learning task, learning task, universal learning action, polyhedrons
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15. Approximate work program of secondary general education of the subject "Mathematics" advanced level: [approved by the decision of the Federal educational and Methodological Association for General education, Protocol 7/22 of 29.09.2022]. URL: (accessed: 03.31.2023).