Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The presented article analyzes in detail the significant obstacles that Russian companies face when implementing modern project management technologies. Particular attention is paid to the sociological barriers that affect this process. In light of this, there is a detailed consideration of the relationship between social factors and the effectiveness of project management. Nevertheless, in the context of the problem, it should be noted that a detailed study of the sociological element of project management involves not only the analysis of processes and algorithms, but also providing the necessary resources for the successful implementation of the measures taken. Today, managers of Russian companies face a number of difficulties associated with the introduction of modern pro-ject management techniques. Especially important is the analysis of the opinions of the staff and the interaction between employees, as these factors significantly affect the success of projects. It is im-portant to take into account that the impact of sociological factors on the success of the project may be ambiguous and depend on the specific situation. In conclusion, the article offers valuable rec-ommendations for improving the implementation and use of modern project management technolo-gies, taking into account the difficulties associated with sociological aspects. The search for optimal solutions that take into account the specifics of the Russian business environment is an important task for the further development of effective project management.

project management technologies, socialist barriers, socialistic element of project management, in-terpersonal relations of employees
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