Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The population of the II halo (corona) of the Galaxy (CG) consists mainly of old low-mass stars. Microlensing revealed objects in the CG with a mass of 0.15 – 0.9 M○, which corresponds to the mass of low-luminosity stars ≤10-2 L○ – red dwarfs 0.15 – 0.5 M○ and white dwarfs 0.6 – 0.9 M○ (total mass ~2∙1011 M○). Stars in the CG with a radius of ~0.1 Mpc can produce isotropic radiation at a distance of ~103 Mpc (z ~ 0.3). It is shown, that old stars in the CG, acounting the red giant stage, can form cosmic background radiation (CBR) with an energy density of ~3∙10-3 eV/cm3 in the visible region up to ~10-2 eV/cm3 in the IR region ~1 μm. The gaseous shells of red giants in the CG formed by the stellar wind can contribute to the CBR in the UV region with an energy density of ~10-3 eV/cm3.

corona of Galaxy, white dwarfs, red dwarfs, red giants, cosmic background radiation
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