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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to consider the formation, development and modern approaches to the study of one of the key concepts for media research — the media picture of the world. The relevance of the study is due to the growing influence of media representation of events formed by the media with the help of linguomedia construction technologies on public consciousness and behavior. The study of the media picture of the world as an object of scientific description is based on an integrative approach, including its consideration in a historical perspective, analysis of various approaches to definition, as well as a review of modern theories and methods of study. Particular attention is paid to the historical and philosophical roots of the modern interpretation of the concept of “media picture of the world”, domestic research in this area, as well as methods of modeling the modern media picture of the world, which allows us to analyze the processes of formation of media images in dynamics. As a result of the study, the key properties of the media picture of the world are highlighted, such as:the media picture of the world is an open nonlinear dynamic system that has both a holistic and mosaic character; The media picture of the world,formed by national media, reflects and reproduces the sociocultural specifics of a certain civilizational community and region.

media picture of the world, mass media discourse, media studies, communication studies, media linguistics, information mode
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