Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is an overview of innovative entrepreneurship, highlighting development trends, current problems and prospects in this area. The focus is also on a brief description of the key areas of innovative projects implemented in the country. The author considers the development of entrepreneurial activity taking into account various industries and regions. The main aspects are discussed in the context of challenges and obstacles faced by innovative entrepreneurs in the Tajik economy, including issues of access to finance. The article also summarizes the measures of state support aimed at stimulating innovative entrepreneurship in the region. The author analyzes the trends in the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the country, highlighting the general aspects of innovation. The emphasis is also placed on the prospects for the development of innovative entrepreneurship using certain technologies.The article is intended for researchers interested in the development of innovative entrepreneurship, as well as for representatives of government agencies engaged in the development of strategic programs for the development of entrepreneurship.

entrepreneurship, factors of production, innovations, innovative entrepreneurship, infrastructure, strategy, innovation development index
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