Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Authors of article analyze algorithm of actions of the arbitration court in a situation when the respondent declares that didn´t sign the contract which contains the arbitration clause. Authors formulate the conclusions on the basis of research of the basic principles of arbitration trial, and also lawsuits. Authors note that the main beginning of arbitration trial is free will of its parties, consider types of the arbitration agreements practiced in the Russian Federation, explain value of the principle of competence – competence and autonomy of the arbitration clause in activity of the arbitration court. In article the algorithm of actions of the arbitration court at purpose of handwriting examination is stated, and also by its results, importance of check of a being of dispute regarding possibility of its permission in the arbitration court is noted.

Arbitration court, arbitration agreement, arbitration reservation, competence of the arbitration court, handwriting examination.

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