Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The cheese production industry is currently expanding its range of highly-competitive functional products. As a result, it needs to embrace new raw materials and develop new methods of economic assessment. Cheese quality depends on various production criteria while product sales depend on effective risk management mechanisms. The current research featured risk criteria for a new functional cheese. The research objective was to develop a set of production efficiency indicators. The study was performed on the premises of the Department for Animal Feeding and Private Animal Science, Omsk State Agrarian University (Omsk, Russian Federation), and relied on standard sensory, chemical, and microbiological studies. The controlled factors included enzymic operations and their effect on the active acidity and shelf life of the finished product. The resulting risk management tools were able to minimize the effect of hazardous factors at this stage of production on the quality of the finished product. The scientific novelty was confirmed by patent for invention No. 2791553 C1, 03/10/2023.

cheese product, criterion aspects, management mechanisms, quality, risks, functional food
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