Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the problem of studying the epic as a means of developing a respectful attitude among younger schoolchildren towards representatives of various peoples of Russia. Using the example of familiarity with the image of a hero - a bright hero of many ethnic groups that have long inhabited the territory of our country, the methodological features of the process of studying folk culture are revealed. Comparing the images of heroic defenders of their native land from invaders and enslavers allows us to trace similar ideological traits and behavioral stereotypes characteristic of the peoples of our multinational state, their aspirations for a peaceful life devoted to work and creation. These basic values testify to a long-standing and deep dialogue of cultures and bring younger schoolchildren closer to understanding the common historical destiny of the peoples of Russia, raising them to be citizens and patriots.

younger schoolchildren, ethnoculture, folk art, epic, tradition, education of moral qualities, image of a hero

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