Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The types of two-part simple sentences and complex sentences are considered. The language system is opposed by linguistic use as a set of established linguistic habits and norms, according to which the necessary selection is made from the available stock of funds, which is different for different conditions of speech communication. It is necessary to analyze the syntactic units in terms of the linguistic structure and in the aspect of linguistic use. The types of sentences in modern communicative practices are fixed. Syntactic constructions are distinguished in accordance with the types of the predicate. Varieties of sentences with a compound nominal predicate, models of sentences with a predicate in the form of a verbal mood in an improper meaning. The types of sentences that change the area of functioning, stylistic reference and expressed expressive content are revealed. Syntactic constructions that become obsolete, constructions that are eliminated from the language system are noted. The reasons for the occurring syntactic changes are determined. This mental content is expressed in the modern Russian language by constructions with a different diathesis. In connection with some logical concepts, new types of syntactic constructions are formed. These are varieties of sentences with a link or with a zero link. The noted new types of syntactic constructions are related to colloquial speech.
language system, language usage, syntactic constructions, language changes
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