from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2019
Voronezh, Russian Federation
UDK 630 Лесное хозяйство. Лесоводство
In Russia, the issue of wood waste processing is acute. One of the ways to reuse sawdust is to process them into biofertilizers, but due to the low nitrogen content in the composition, additional components must be added. In this regard, the possibility of enriching sawdust with sewage sludge, which is waste from sewage treatment plants, has been considered. In the work, the composition of the nutrient medium was optimized by the method of a full factorial experiment to increase the efficiency of the production of biosuppression enzymes, the biodegradation capability of microorganisms was evaluated. The biosynthesis of the consortium on the selected medium significantly increased the enzymatic activity: proteolytic activity increased 3 times, lipolytic - by 32.8%, amylolytic – by 69.2%. Optimization of the growing conditions of the consortium allowed reducing the level of wastewater pollution by 84.1%. The sediment formed during purification, due to the modification of activated sludge by the biocomposition of selected microorganisms, was a product of high biological value: the amount of organic matter increased by 25.7%, total nitrogen increased by 1.7 times, and carbon – by 5.2%. The enrichment of sawdust with sewage sludge makes it possible to use the mixture as a fertilizer with high nutritional value for plant growth and development. The introduction of biocomposite into the soil allows to increase its fertility and improve the structure.
sawdust, sewage sludge, biosynthesis, organic fertilizer, biological suspension
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