UDK 316.77 Социальная коммуникация. Социология коммуникации
UDK 7.046.2 Легенды. Фантастика. Сказочная героика
The enduring popularity of 20th century science fiction authors among readers of all age categories has been noted in numerous works of literary scholars. An extremely important aspect is the fact that the author and the reader must have a common language in order for communication to be effective. The relevance of the study is due to the growing interest in the problem of interpreting the genre of science fiction works. The aim of this study is to try to trace the synthesis of genre forms from the point of view of communicativism and the theories of C. Darwin and T. de Chardin in the novel "Planet of the Apes" by the famous French fiction writer Pierre Boulle. Darwin and T. de Chardin in the novel "Planet of the Apes" by the famous French fiction writer Pierre BoulleIn the course of the study, the methods of contextual literary analysis, cognitive-discourse analysis, as well as stylistic and genre analysis were applied. As a result of the study, the conclusions were obtained that the novel "Planet of the Apes" by P. Boulle combines elements of the genre of science fiction novel, philosophical parable, utopia and dystopia. The novel is a satirical work, touching upon the themes of scientific progress, communication, evolution and human society, which are topical at present. The author, when creating a work, follows literary conventions or deliberately goes against them, creating something innovative. The genre of science fiction has been and remains a synthetic genre, incorporating elements of various genres, which intricately intertwined, enter into communication with the reader, helping him to create fictional worlds. Scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that for the first time in Russia the study of genre originality of P. Boulle's work in the aspect of communication with the reader is undertaken. The article may be useful for literary scholars, postgraduates, students and all those interested in the problems of genre synthesis in modern science fiction.
Darwinism, scientific progress, communication, dystopia, French science fiction novel
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