Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the trends in the creation of intellectual property in the field of development of an unmanned movement system for a dump truck, identified during patent research on the event on the topic: "Development and creation of an unmanned shuttle-type mining dump truck with a load capacity of 220 tons." Forecasting the development of the creation of intellectual property in the field of the development of an unmanned movement system for a dump truck, the dynamics of pa-tenting over the years was determined and analyzed. There has been a steady increase in the patenting of unmanned vehicle system designs. Of the identified patent documents, 50 are foreign and 3 are Russian. Japan and the USA are leading in terms of patenting the designs of unmanned movement systems for mining dump trucks. As a result of the analysis of the patent holders of the identified traffic regulations, it was found that 54% belongs to 3 well-known imported manufacturers of CS, and 2 manufacturers of mining equipment.

mining, mining machines, mining dump truck, unmanned mining dump truck, unmanned traffic system, patent research
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