Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Social, cultural and technological changes necessitate the search for new paradigms in education. One solution may be associated with an anthropological approach that integrates philosophical, psychological and educational anthropology. The anthropological approach most fully reveals the essence of education as a phenomenon associated with human. The authors consider the problem of identifying educational technologies that will provide solutions to educational problems in a changing reality. It was found in the research that the pedagogical ideas that have developed in anthropological teachings reveal the desired image of a person and the methods of its formation. Thus, the anthropological approach in education demonstrates its effectiveness, since it allows us to consider a person as a sociocultural subject, whose behavior and development are determined by interaction with other people and the social environment. The analysis of anthropological views made it possible to identify two positions: the first is based on the ideas of uniqueness and self-creation of the individual, the subject-subject model of interaction, dialogue forms of communication, the second shifts the emphasis to the environment in which the formation and cultivation of the individual by society occurs. Analysis of approaches and concepts allows us to state the dynamics of the anthropological approach itself and the coexistence of various programs within the framework of approaches united conceptually.

anthropological approach, educational technologies, subject-subject interaction, network learning, education
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