Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The scale of the modern education system and the role of the educational paradigm in Russia's strategic plans are emphasized. The authors explains the social necessity of creating the necessary conditions and mechanisms that improve the organizational characteristics of education and ensure the effective solution of current and future tasks in the educational field. The principle of unity of educational space on the territory of the Russian Federation is analyzed. The main institutions that postulate the meanings of education and regulate the stability of the entire educational complex are highlighted. Attention is focused on the essential assessment of the institutions of upbringing, learning, pedagogical education, and pedagogical science. The issue of recognition of pedagogy and pedagogical education as a national heritage and heritage responsible for the reproduction of the collective worldview and social harmony of Russian society is discussed. Additional organizational and technological steps aimed at improving Russian education are proposed. The goals and objectives of the study are related to the need for systematic improvement of the country's educational complex.

education, public institutionality; unity of educational space; institution of upbringing, learning, pedagogical education and pedagogical science
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