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Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of the pilot empirical study on the development of creative potential of young people by means of game and art technologies. It is shown that the existing methodological developments are aimed at the development of highly specialized skills, but not at the creative potential in the broad sense. In order to remove this limitation, the technology of game (creative) club in school extracurricular activities is proposed. Creative potential, according to the concept of J. Renzulli, is considered as a complex of intellectual, motivational and creative factors. It is hypothesized that active intellectual-developmental game (creative) activities help to identify and form the creative potential of adolescents. Game (creative) technologies (TRIZ, acting exercises, the game "Mafia") were used as means of development. In order to test the hypothesis, we used the method of expert evaluation according to the method of S.M. Platonova for the evaluation of general aptitude and statistical analysis of the obtained empirical data. The results reflect a qualitative change of creative potential of the experimental group at all levels of creative potential: intellectual, motivational and creative. The model of the school game club is proposed as a technology for the development of creative potential not only of adolescents, but also of teachers in the practice of extracurricular school activities.

development of creative potential, active intellectual-developing game (creative) technologies, extracurricular activities, creative potential
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