This article deals with the psychological aspect of the difficulties of students' socio-psychological adaptation, which is closely connected with the conditions of digital education at Pskov State University, and presents the author's own point of view on the problem of adaptation. One of the most important tasks of the adaptation process for first-year students is personal selfdetermination. The author of this article notes that adaptation is able to control the student's body, thereby increasing or decreasing the body's endurance. This is influenced by many factors and phenomena, which are discussed in the article to reveal the main problems of student adaptation. Adaptation of a first-year student to life and study at the university should be successful, which is the basis for further development of the student as a future specialist. The results of the survey of students with tendencies of successful and unsuccessful adaptation concerning external, social and academic difficulties which they faced during the first semester of study at the university are analyzed.
social adaptation, digital education, adaptation process, modern educational proces
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