Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the article, the formation of project teams is considered by the authors of the article as a complex process that includes defining the goals and objectives of the project, analyzing the requirements for the skills and experience of team members, selecting candidates and assigning roles. As the author's approach, the approach of forming project teams based on neural networks (based on a comprehensive assessment of the role in the team (according to Belbin) and business socionics) is proposed. The authors of the study point out that understanding personality types (socionics) can help project managers create more effective teams, since they can identify the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, optimally select personnel for the desired task, and minimize conflicts that can arise due to differences in communication styles. The article presents the results of the author's research on the relevance of using neural networks in conjunction with models of personality psychotypes and team roles in building project teams. Based on the results of this study, a step-by-step program for introducing neural network tools into the function of forming a project team was developed, at each stage of which possible risks were identified and measures to minimize them were proposed. In the article, the authors present a visualization of a software product - a platform for forming project teams using analysis based on neural networks “TeamUP”. With the help of this visualization, in the future it is planned to develop a real software product that will be used as part of the implementation of regional projects by youth in the constituent entities of Russia. It is planned that this platform will help in the development of project management in the country, and will also minimize possible risks and costs when forming project teams, while increasing their efficiency.

project team, artificial intelligence, neural networks, the capabilities of neural networks in the formation of project teams, the risks of neural networks in the formation of project teams, the use of business socionics and the Belbin methodology in the formation of teams
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