Glazov, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
UDK 31 Статистика. Демография. Социология
The article is devoted to the problem of determining the complexity of formulas and methods used to solve school problems in molecular physics and thermodynamics, optics, microcosm physics and the special theory of relativity. As a result of the content analysis of school textbooks, all formulas related to the listed sections were written out and 17 topics are identified, each of which corresponds to its own method of solving problems. In order to determine semantic complexity, formulas are presented in the form of statements that are stored in a text file Formuli.txt. To a file Slovar.txt the list of concepts denoting physical quantities is placed, indicating their complexities. Using a special computer program that analyzes the file Formuli.txt the semantic complexities of the formulas, their volume and the information folding coefficient are determined. The complexities of the methods are calculated, the distributions of formulas in the space of "semantic complexity - volume" signs are analyzed. Based on the number of formulas in each method and the number of methods in each section, the complexity of choosing a suitable formula for independent solving a single-formula task is estimated. It is shown how to take into account the uncertainty of the choice of formulas when solving two- and three-formula tasks to find their complexities.
didactics, methodology, concept, semantics, complexity, educational task, physics, formula
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