Russian Federation
Formation in the regions of Siberia and the Far East supporting the network of international transport and logistics centers and terminal facilities are essential points of growth in the regional economy that can cause business and commercial activity, to attract additional cargo flows and nec-essary investment for the development of production and transport infrastructure, create new jobs and provide influx of additional manpower from other regions of the country
transport and logistics centre, transportation
1. Volod´kin P.P. Razvitie transportno-logisticheskogo kompleksa Dal´nevostochno-go federal´nogo okruga / P.P. Volod´kin, G.G. Denisov, V.A. Lazarev, I.O. Zagorskiy. Khaba-rovsk : Izd-vo Tikhookean. gos. un-ta, 2013. - 161 s.
2. Prokof´eva T.A., Lebedev V.N., Yakushev A.Zh. Strategicheskaya doktrina razvitiya logisticheskoy infrastruktury i formirovaniya integrirovannykh transportno-logisticheskikh sistem na territorii Dal´nevostochnogo federal´nogo okruga.. Promysh-lennyy transport XXI vek, 2008, № 5 / 6. S. 33-37., 2009, № 1. S. 19-25.
3. Transportnye koridory - osnova razvitiya Dal´nevostochnogo regiona. Rezhim do-stupa :