Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper analyzes several concepts of postmodern philosophy, which are used in modern warfare. The conclusion is made that in the course of the armed conflicts it is possible to exploit information and communication reasons, created with the postmodern attitude as a philosophy of information society. The postmodern concept is understood as the intuitively perceived structure of power relations, providing manipulative impact on the audience. The multiplicity of truths inspires to recognize facts that can be useful as sheer truths. The discourse imposes the system of restrictions, rules and regulations on what is authorized to be said publically. The Author’s death is used to conceal the social actors, initiating special events. The rhizome is aimed at redefining the values of binary oppositions. Bricolage contributes to the transformation of values through the use of new or unusual alterations of characters. Irony as a thinly veiled mockery provokes lifestyle and line of thought of people. Deconstruction creates new meanings by breaking the stereotype or through inclusion of familiar ideas in a new context. Hyperreality means designing the space of false signs – simulacra, divorced from the real events. Society of the Spectacle is amounted to a mass distribution of fabricated pseudo-events. It is proved that knowledge of post-modernist concepts would help counteract the negative news acts of modern warfare.

postmodernism, concept, multiplicity of truths, discourse, episteme, Author´s death, rhizome, bricolage, irony, deconstruction, hyperreality, simulacrum.

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