Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of a study aimed at the influence of the formation of general professional and professional competencies of students in the educational process of a technical university when studying the discipline "Engineering Graphics" using elements of e-learning. For an objective assessment of the results obtained, the article provides an overview of the state of graphic disciplines in the structure of the modern educational process, as well as identifies the main problems identified during their study. As a basic university and a source of statistical data, the educational process and the results of the intermediate certification of students of the construction Institute of the Kuzbass State Technical University named after T. F. Gorbachev over the past five years were considered. As a result of the conducted research, it is shown that a low level of basic graphic training or its absence altogether, combined with a reduction in the classroom load, leads to an increase in the role of independent work of students, which negatively affects the formation of general professional and professional competencies of future specialists. To improve the current situation, the possibility of introducing an additional electronic drawing course aimed at replenishing the basic knowledge necessary for the successful study of graphic disciplines is being considered. The proposed course consists of several sections, including interactive lectures and tests to consolidate the acquired knowledge. A comparative analysis of the results of the intermediate certification of students who have completed an additional electronic course indicates the effectiveness of the course being implemented. However, the emphasis is on the low level of development of practical skills in the independent performance of graphic works, which is associated with the illustrative way of teaching presented in this course.

electronic courses, traditional training, LMS Moodle, graphic disciplines, tests, interim certification
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