Socially significant diseases have a significant impact on society, as they spread rapidly, cause damage not only socially but also economically, and also lead to a significant decrease in living standards. Prevention and effective management of socially significant diseases require broad public support, active measures to promote a healthy lifestyle and educational programs aimed at raising awareness of the risks and methods of disease prevention. These diseases are an urgent problem that requires attention from society, the state and the medical community. The article analyzes the activities carried out by Rospotrebnadzor in the Kursk region in 2019 and devoted to the prevention of socially significant diseases, and evaluates the involvement of the younger generation in the prevention of these diseases.
socially significant diseases, HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, prevention, Rosprotrebnadzor
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4. O starte «goryachey linii» po profilaktike tuberkuleza // Rospotrebnadzor po Kurskoy oblasti: [sayt]. - URL: (data obrascheniya: 12.11.2023)
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