Lyubercy, Moscow, Russian Federation
from 01.01.2020 until now
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article, based on the empirical data obtained during the survey, aims to consider the prob-lem of the formation of spiritual and moral values in foreign language lessons. The article proves that the integration of traditional spiritual and moral values into the content of the school and university curriculum is perceived by the majority of respondents as a return to tradition. The majority of respondents expressed a desire to reassess the goals and content of the learning process, pointing to the need to integrate traditional spiritual and moral values into educational programs. The obtained research data demonstrate that foreign language teachers are aware of the need for constant professional development, taking into account spiritual and moral aspects, and are ready to adapt and introduce new approaches into the educational process to effectively instill the traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. The results of the study indicate the need to update educational materials taking into account spiritual and moral aspects. Textbooks and teaching aids should be richer in content that promotes the formation of values, ethical principles and moral beliefs of students.
education, foreign language teaching, spiritual and moral education, traditional values, val-ue-oriented educational environment
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