Ryazan State Ivan Petrovich Pavlov Medical University (Lecturer)
Russian Federation
The article considers the communicative aspect of training future medical specialists for professional activity in the context of intercultural interaction. International cooperation in the field of medicine, which has increased due to the social and political importance of healthcare, increases the requirements for the professional language training of medical students, for their professional communication skills in a foreign language. The participation of medical specialists in the programs "Doctors without Borders" and the International Committee of the Red Cross requires future doctors not only proper language training, but also effective communication skills in a professional environment. It is assumed that the formation of the professional identity of medical university students can be effectively implemented if it is focused on the communicative aspect of professional language training. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of the communicative aspect of the language training of medical university students in the process of forming their professional identity. The research is based on occupational and linguistic-cultural methodological approaches. The significant role of the communicative aspect in the process of language training in the formation of the professional identity of medical university students is shown. The most important areas of professionally oriented language training are identified and characterized – training in professional communication, accuracy and clarity in the use of medical terminology, consultations with patients, registration of medical documentation and familiarization of future doctors with scientific research in a foreign language. The features of professional communication in the medical field in the context of intercultural interaction are revealed. It is proved that professional language training focused on the study of special medical terminology, cultural aspects, examples of medical documentation, as well as the participation of medical students in research activities contribute to the development of communication skills of future doctors in the process of forming their professional identity. The prospects for further research may be related to the study of the influence of the digital educational environment of the university on the process of forming the professional identity of medical students in the process of language training.
professional identity, language training, communicative aspect, professional communication, intercultural interaction, research activities, medical university student
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