The article describes a systematic approach that is used at the Department of Engineering Graphics at Bauman Moscow State Technical University to teach students the possibilities of modern computer-aided design systems. A methodology for teaching the basics of creating solid-state geometric models of parts and drawings in the Compass-3D system based on a systematic approach is presented. The structure and content of classes are described. The educational materials are developed on the basis of the students' knowledge of stereometry acquired at school and the knowledge gained during the parallel study of the engineering graphics section "Projection drawing". Examples of practical tasks for students' independent work are given. The training begins with the construction of a flat contour, which is used as basis of a three-dimensional model. When constructing a contour, students practice to create the basic primitives that make up the contour, and superimposing geometric and dimensional dependencies on the primitives. The construction of solid-state models begins with the modeling of simple geometric bodies: a prism, a pyramid, a body of rotation. This allows students to focus on practicing shaping operations, and to better navigate the toolbars. Then, students consolidate their knowledge and skills in building models of more complex shapes, similar in design to mechanical engineering parts of two classes: "body of rotation" and "non-body of rotation". Students create electronic drawings based on the constructed models. At the same time, the following is being worked out: creating images in the drawing – views, sections, sections; applying dimensions while maintaining an associative connection with the part model; using drawing design elements. Examples of control tasks for editing created models and drawings are given, which are necessary for students to acquire skills important for engineering practice. It is noted that the acquired knowledge and skills can be used by students in further education. The proposed methodology can be recommended for use in the system of secondary and secondary vocational education.
m approach, computer graphics, solid-state modeling, geometric model of a part, electronic drawing, structure of classes
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