The article deals with the formation of the international tourist law, main sources and international and legal documents that regulate the tourism business. On the basis of international documents the author sets forth general principles of the international tourist law. The author also defines the legal status of a tourist and an international traveler on the basis of existing international conventions and agreements in tourism business. A number of international treaties, conventions, declarations, as well as resolutions of international organizations form the base of international legal regulation of tourism and international travel. Thus, Art. 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization on December 10, 1947, reads, in particular, as follows: “Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay”. Article 12 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 16, 1966, confirms the right of each person to be free to leave any country, including his own. Resolutions and recommendations of the 1963 UN Diplomatic Conference on International Travel and Tourism deal with the promotion of tourism development in various countries of the world and simplification of formalities concerning tourism and international travel. In the modern context, tourism and international travel, as one of the forms of international economic relations, have gained a universal scale and have started to exercise significant influence on political, economic and cultural contacts between states and nations. The institute of the international tourist law is a body of principles and norms, regulating states’ activity in the sphere of tourism and international travel with the purpose of satisfying a wide range of people’s cultural and spiritual needs.
International tourist law, international tourism and travels, tourist, visitor, sources of the tourist law, legal status of a tourist and an international traveler, international treaty, international custom, international conventions.
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