In the article the organization of occupations on the basis of use of the active methods of training, focused on the greatest possible actualization of individual professional experience of the trained teachers is considered as a resource of eff ective increase of professionalism of high school teachers. Professionalism of the high school teachers is seen in a prism of realization of universal and special professional competencies, possession with which is necessary for successful professional activity. Universal competences are typical for all teachers, who are carrying out professional activity at any step of education at high comprehensive school. Special competencies are defi ning specifi cs of professional activity of the teachers working at 9-11 classes of high school, who are carrying out the training, education and developing of the high school pupils. Productive subject - subject relations in the course of realization of each directions of professional activity of high school teachers are possible on the basis of use of the active methods of training approved during their own professional development.
universal and special competences of the high school teacher, active methods of education, individual professional experience, resource of pedagogical professionalism evolution.
Принято считать, что наиболее значимым результатом научно-исследовательского проекта является создание нового прикладного знания и моделирование на его основе теории. На основе анализа нормативных документов в ходе проведенного нами исследования профессиональных компетенций учителя определены как универсальные, так и специальные компетенции педагога старшей школы [4, 5].
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5. Zmeiov S.I. Tehnologia obuchenia vzroslykh. [The technology of adult peoples teaching]. Moscow, Academia Publ., 2002, 127 p.