Russian Federation
The author justifies multifacetedness of the ‘constitutionalism’ category, which, in the author’s opinion, has its own legal content, as well as a non-legal one — economic, social, political and cultural. Besides, constitutionalism reflects universal values of modern civilization, that manifest themselves in regular patterns of democratic organization of the society and state on the basis of power, ownership and freedom, recognition and protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, supremacy of the law. On a structural level constitutionalism represents a special philosophiclegal theory, a system of political and legal ideas and concepts. At the same time this category embodies a system of legal positivism in unity with natural and legal sources. Constitutional and legal practice, including legislative, administrative and court practice, forms an essential component of constitutionalism. Constitutionalism is a form of social consciousness and serves as a pre-requisite for a new type of a legal form of reality. This vision is characterized as a constitutional ideology. The author argues in favor of politicization of constitutionalism. The author draws the conclusion that constitutionalism is an axiological, teleological and praxeological value that forms part of a global cultural legacy of mankind. The author also views constitutionalism as objectively emerging order of actual social relations. Stability and lack of contradictions between governance, property and freedom is the basis of constitutional rule of law. Genuine constitutionalism is also a moral and ethic phenomenon. Constitutional and judicial regulatory compliance verification serves as a guarantee of constitutionalism.
Constitution, constitutionalism, constitutional values, constitutional order, constitutional policy, constitutional justice, constitutional regulatory compliance verification.
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