The article reviews new rules on allotment of land plots to citizens and legal persons. The State Duma included these rules into the Land Code of the Russian Federation in summer 2014. Now they have come into force. The article focuses on the following issues. 1. How do these rules affect the land legislation in general? 2. What are the changes in the powers of public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and bodies of local self-government in regulating the order of land plots’ allotment and in implementation of such allotment? 3. How justified is the fact that now auctions are the only possible form of a land tender? The author believes that it is necessary to preserve competitive bidding for cases when same agricultural land plots are allotted to citizens and legal entities. Also there remains a problem associated with the transfer of power on allotment of lands from local governments of municipal areas to the level of rural settlements.
Land legislation, land plots allotment, local government, tender.
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