from 01.01.2023 until now
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
from 01.01.2009 until now
Saratov, Saratov, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
This article touches upon the problem of finding new, effective pedagogical means of teaching students of general education institutions, one of which is a situational task. The authors note the problem of constructing tasks of this type due to the absence of any methods for their compilation, give their own initial structure of the situational problem, demonstrating the need to make additional adjustments to it. The purpose of the article is to clarify the structural block of “Questions and Tasks” of a situational task using the selected taxonomy, which will eliminate the problem of compilation and selection, determining the number and sequence of questions in this block, as well as preserve the logical sequence of returning to the problematic question posed at the beginning after completing all the tasks of this block. Methodology. To achieve this goal, the authors carried out a theoretical analysis of the literature on the problem of constructing situational tasks, generalization of the information obtained, comparison of various taxonomies and selection of the most optimal for use, synthesis. Scientific novelty / theoretical and/or practical significance. The article solves the problem of composing questions and tasks of situational task, proposes a new detailed structure-the standard of a situational task, laying a unified approach to composing tasks of this type, as well as allowing teacherspractitioners to independently design them. Results. After the analysis of the scientific literature, several main taxonomies of educational purposes were identified (the taxonomy of B. Bloom with its existing modifications, V. Gerlach and A. Sullivan, A. de Blok, J. Guilford, R. Gagnier and M. Merill), the result of which was the choice of the original taxonomy of B. Bloom, characterized by high efficiency and ease of use in the future other teachers. The article also provides an example of a chemical situational task on the topic “Epoxides (oxyrans)” intended for 10th grade students, compiled using B. Bloom’s taxonomy. In conclusion, the conclusion is made about the success of the application of B. Bloom’s taxonomy for the construction of a block of “Questions and tasks” of a situational problem.
chemical situational task, taxonomy of educational goals, B. Bloom's taxonomy, task design
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